Friday 30 November 2018 ore 19:30 - 20:30

TECNO: The ProjectThe Museum Spaces

MAXXI Auditorium – free admittance after booking on the ProViaggiArchitettura site ProViaggiArchitettura

A seminar dedicated an analysis of the role of architecture in
exhibition spaces

Custodians of history and culture, museums open the doors to the treasures of our
communities and architecture plays a fundamental role in the distribution of the exhibition
Starting out with the analysis and account of Giuliano Mosconi regarding a number of projects
to which Tecno has contributed, such as the British Museum in London and the Centre
Pompidou in Paris, Professor Francesco Dal Co tackles the theme of museum spaces from a
critical point of view.

Francesco Dal Co Co, architecture historian and director of Casabella
Giuliano Mosconi CEO Tecno

This event is part of the series of conferences TECNO: The Project, produced in collaboration with ProViaggiArchitettura, Casabella and with the patronage of the OAPPC of Rome and province.