Motta, foto © Claudia Pajewski
Wednesday 8 July 2020 ore 21:00 - 22:30

Summer at MAXXI. MusicVivere la Musica with Motta and Luca Valtorta

Museum Piazza – € 10
10 individual seats reserved and free for myMAXXI cardholders writing to, by the day before the event

A partire dal suo ultimo libro Vivere la Musica, il cantautore Francesco Motta racconta che cosa significa vivere con la musica.

What drives many young people to want to become musicians or singers, what obstacles they encounter along the way and how they can face them?

Vivere la Musica is an emotional manual to lay bare our emotions through notes and words, a poetic manifesto to rediscover the true beauty of music and go back to listening to it with the ears, heart and wonder of a child.

The narration of the book will be accompanied by live performances.

Motta songrwriter
Luca Valtorta La Repubblica


other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2020 cycle