Wednesday 15 July 2020 ore 21:00 - 22:30

Summer at MAXXI. BooksForte respiro rapido. La mia vita con Dino Risi byMarco Risi

Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

“My dad used to speak about himself, too. He would tell you he didn’t, but he did speak about himself. All you had to do was look and understand. In fact, just look and understand. That’s another plus of cinema: it’s there! Even when you’re not there any longer”.

Dino Risi is the director who enriched the so-called “Italian comedy” with stories, emotions and images. Marco Risi is the young man who challenged his father on his own ground and paved his own way. Can one be a son and also perceive the father as a master?

The result is a story at the crossroads of (cinema) epic and comedy: it soon becomes clear that the vitality of cinema between the 1950s and 1960s depended on an atmosphere of understanding, cohesion, perhaps even conflict, but everyone – everyone – was on the same stage.

In conversation with
Malcom Pagani journalist and writer

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2020 cycle