Thursday 1 January 1970

Re-Cycle. Experimental recycling workshop

Re-Cycle. Experimental recycling workshop

Educational project in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research

On the occasion of the exhibition Re-Cycle. Strategies for Architecture, City and PlanetMAXXI and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research are promoting Re-Cycle. Experimental recycling workshop an initiative subdivided into two phases and aimed at upper secondary schools.

During the first phase first phase, scheduled from 24 November through to 1 December 2011, an experimental workshop conceived and run by the German architectural collective Raumlaborberlin will be staged at MAXXI. The objective of the workshop is to create an architectural installation realised entirely with recycled materials. The installation will be located in the MAXXI piazza and 20 students from all over Italy will be involved in its construction. The installation may be visited from the afternoon of 1 December 2001 and throughout the duration of the exhibition.

The second phase, staggered from late January through to the end of April 2012, will see a competition and a practical seminar for school heads, teachers and students. The seminar will be held at the museum but will also be available live via streaming from a dedicated link on the blog devoted to the project

If you would like to take part in the competition, please visit the site of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research where you will find the downloadable entry form from 5 December 2011.

For further information regarding the Re-Cycle. Experimental recycling workshop, please visit the blog at