Tuesday 6 October 2015 ore 19:00 - 22:00

MedFestival – Stories from the Middle SeaLes Hommes Libres by Ismaël Ferroukhi

This event is part of YAP FEST 2015
MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free
In collaboration with MedFilm Festival Onlus

Four key films and four encounters
with international authors and journalists in order to tackle
the thorniest aspects of our era

The Rom identity and racial persecution, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, civil rights and sexual diversity are the themes of the selection of films screened at MAXXI and proposed in the previous editions of the MedFilm Festival, perfectly suspended between the north and south of the Mediterranean, theoretical reflection and entertainment, rigour and imagination.

Les Hommes Libres
by Ismaël Ferroukhi (France, 2011) – MedFilm Festival Jury Prize 2011