CAO FEI - La Town, 2014. Still da video. Courtesy l'artista e Vitamin Cretive Space
Friday 17 May 2019 ore 18:00 - 20:00

ARTAPES. Talk and screening.Imagining the city

Video gallery – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to, by the day before the event

Urban transformation, the creation of imaginary worlds, of the public space as the place of the everyday life and of the protest.

On the occasion of the exhibition The Street. Where the world is made, the Museum’s video gallery, thanks to the support of In Between Art Film, hosts a screening program focused on the themes of urban transformation, the creation of imaginary worlds, of the public space as the place of the everyday life and of the protest. Three short festivals, each one introduced by a debate between international artists, scholars and curators that will describe the genesis and evolution of the videos on display.

Hou Hanru MAXXI Artistic Director
Italo Spinelli Asiatica Film Festival Artistic Director

Up next screening of
Sam Samore Hallucinations/Paradise, 2010 (English with no subtitles)
Cao Fei La Town, 2014 (French with English subtitles)

On Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 will be displayed in the Museum’s opening hours the following videos, within the Artapes project:
Sam Samore, Hallucinations/Paradise, 2010 (English with no subtitles)
Cao Fei La Town, 2014, (French with English subtitles)
Huang Wei Kai Disorder: Now is the future of the past, 2009 (English with no subtitles)
Cao Fei, Ou  Ning San Yuanli, 2003

other events of the La Strada. Dove si crea il mondo cycle