Wednesday 26 October 2016 ore 16:30 - 18:30

Urban regenerationThe Flaminio Project competition

This event is part of YAP FEST 2016
MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free

Two seminars to investigate how architecture
can change and redevelop an area

Urban areas undergoing transformation, projects reclaiming abandoned spaces, the refurbishment of entire quarters: these are the processes discussed in the two seminars presenting the competitions held by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Investimenti in 2014 and 2015 in Rome and Bergamo.

These projects, capable of modifying the face of an urban quarter, of providing new spaces for recreation, of permitting the public the public to reclaim empty and marginal spaces, demonstrated that forward-thinking administrations, promoting synergy between public and private, can truly change the urban landscape and the lives of those who inhabit it.

Introduced by
Giovanna Melandri President Fondazione MAXXI
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Marco Sangiorgio General Director Cdp Investimenti Sgr
Luca Bergamo Assessor for Culture Comune di Roma
Paolo Berdini Assessor for City Planning and Infrastructures Comune di Roma
Studio Viganò winner of the competition Flaminio Project

*Participation in this event gives those architects registered with an Italian order two educational credits. Identification code ARRM1207.
Obligatory reservations may be made online here: www.architettiroma.it