Wednesday 28 February 2018 ore 10:00 - 17:30

How do we read books?

MAXXI Auditorium – admission reserved

A day devoted to the importance of expressive reading out loud and the interpretation of texts

All writing contains a memory of previous writings. The book is the place of the double and of refraction, especially when we rewrite life in a stubborn attempt to approach the real and its deformations. For some writing is the exact equivalent of a musical score. Not everything is annotated. The voice and its timbre cannot be prescribed. We all try to use our vocal potential to best effect, to allow an indisputably new tone and interpretation to emerge from the text. Hence, How do we read books?

230 students from schools making up the Digital Atlas of the Literary 20th Century network, in collaboration with the Centre for the book and reading, Emons Edizioni, the Association of Italianists and Sapienza University, Rome, with the media partnership of Radio 3 and RaiLetteratura, are tackling the importance of expressive reading out loud and the interpretation of texts. The day will be divided into two sessions.

ore 10.00 – 13.00
The Vocabulary of the Voice
with contributions from actors, authors, experts, lecturers and readers:
Iaia Forte, Fabrizio Falco, Tommaso Ragno
Flavia Gentili (Emons Edizioni)
Anna Antonelli, Fabiana Carambolante, Lorenzo Pavolini (Radio3)
Romano Montroni, Flavia Cristiano (Cepell)
Beatrice Alfonzetti, Silvia Tatti (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Carla Alfano (Preside del Liceo Classico “Virgilio” di Roma)
with students from Aosta, Pinerolo, Padova, Bologna, Firenze, Siena, Fabriano, Viterbo, Tarquinia, Albano Laziale, Roma, Eboli, Cosenza, Rossano Calabro

ore 14.00 – 17.00
Expressive reading workshops
with the actors and lecturers of the Digital Atlas of the Literary 20th Century

For further information please see