

the library

The Architecture section brings together international specialist publications and periodicals with particular attention paid to material from the XXI century. It has been enriched by a loan collection, freely available to users for consultation from the shelves and not present in the on-line catalogue.

The Art section documents art from the 1960s to the present day and features over 10,000 titles including exhibition catalogues, monographs, essays, dictionaries, artist’s books and specialist periodicals on contemporary art, museology, photography and museum teaching. It also boasts a cuttings service that brings together indexed articles from some of the best-known Italian periodicals.

In the spacious reading room, visitors may consult national and international OPAC catalogues, specialised art and architecture databases and the American Jstor database that allows entire articles to be consulted online.

The expansion of its collections is ensured by attentive and continuous acquisitions and exchanges with the leading national and international museums, institutions and contemporary art galleries. The library is associated with the National Library Service (SBN), the network of Italian libraries promoted by MiBACT, the regions and the universities and coordinated by ICCU.

Check The Library’s Online Catalogue

The Library can be accessed with myMAXXI card/biblio, valid for a whole year at the cost of €10

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Discover many exclusive services:

reduced entrance fee to the museum at all times.

• unlimited access to the Library from Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 18:00 (until full capacity)

direct browsing of over 10,000 art titles and a wide collection of international architecture periodicals and publications.

• reading rooms with internet desks for bibliographical searches

reference service: assistance and guidance for ‘open-shelf’ searches, in the online catalogue and databases.

loans from different libraries and ILL SBN documents in order to browse volumes that are not in the library

photocopy service for library users under the applicable copyright law.

free WiFi connection

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