Wednesday 5 February 2025 6.00 PM

World Nutella® Day

MAXXI auditorium
free admittance subject to availability
event in Italian

A special event, on the occasion of the joyn! exhibition to celebrate the famous spreadable cream with the Lover community from all over the world.

American blogger Sara Rosso invited all Nutella® fans to celebrate the world’s most famous spreadable cream on 5 February. From then on, fans started sharing photos, ideas, inspirations, and recipes on social media, and World Nutella® Day soon became a global phenomenon.

with the participation of
Gigi Padovani journalist and writer, author of the book Il nuovo mondo Nutella® – 60 anni di innovazione
Pierpaolo Foti violinist
Greg Goya street artist

Pierluigi Pardo journalist, sports commentator and TV presenter

In collaboration with Ferrero.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it the day before the event