Saturday 8 April 2017

TEDxRoma. 2037 The future is our present

Roma, Auditorium Conciliazione
Reduced price admission to MAXXI within 14 April 2017 for all participants on presentation of their TEDxRoma ticket

April will see the latest edition of TEDxRoma, part of the series of independent TEDx events bringing to cities throughout the world the philosophy and format of the TED (Technology Entertainment Design) conferences devoted to innovation and the production of ideas. This year will focus on imagining and planning the future for the next 20 years.
2037 is our near future, but will be able to transform it into a gift containing the solutions to our most long-standing problems? Will we succeed in using science and human ingenuity to create the foundations for a new society of the future, one stronger and more aware than that of the past?
The issues that will be tackled include questions and answers regarding frontier technologies, generational change, the meaning of democracy and its possible decline. There will be discussion of the dignity of disclosure, the economy of the future, cutting-edge medicine and, of course, time.

Consult the full programme on