Wednesday 27 May 2015Friday 29 May 2015

The Museum Goes to School

The museum emerges from its architectural shell
to share its greatest treasure: its permanent collection

Now in its second edition, The Museum Goes to School project sees MAXXI installing a number of works from its permanent collection in public spaces, beginning with schools.

Three schools in Rome are hosting three works from the museum’s permanent collection, thus becoming generators of creativity, beauty and meaning: IISS Virginia Woolf, IC “Largo Castelseprio” and IISS cine-tv “Roberto Rossellini”.

PProfessional museum staff, educators, teachers and interns from La Sapienza University – Teaching Museum and Territorial Education and the Rome Academy of Fine Art lead the students in visits and workshops through to the creation of artistic products inspired by and reinterpreting the contents of the work hosted by the school through the sensibilities of the young people involved in the project.

Wednesday 27 May, h 11.00
At IISS Virginia Woolf School – Circonvallazione Casilina 119, Rome

The exhibition of works by the students is open from 27 to 29 May, from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm; and on 1,3,4 and 5 June from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm.
The students have worked on the photographs of Jordi Bernadò in the MAXXI collection (Roma, Pantheon; Roma, Palazzo Chigi, Sala del Consiglio del Ministri; Roma, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. Gabinetto del Velázquez).

Thursday 28 May, h 10.00
Inauguration and lecture with the artist Iran Do Espirito Santo
IC “Largo Castelseprio” School – Largo Castelseprio 11, Roma
The exhibition is open on 28 and 29 May, and 3 and 4 June from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
The students have explored the work by the artist Iran Do Espirito Santo, Extension/Fade.

Friday 29 May, h 11.00
Lecture with the architect Bernard Khoury
IISS cine-tv “Roberto Rossellini” school – Via della Vasca Navale 58, Rome
h 12.30
Via Giuseppe Libetta, 14
The exhibition is open on 29 May and 3 and 4 June from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm in the school premises in Via Giuseppe Libetta, 14
The students have worked on the installation by the architect Bernard Khoury, Derailing Beirut.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

other events of the Il museo tra i banchi di scuola cycle