Saturday 29 April 2017 6.00 PM - 8.00 PM

In the presence of animals.Perceived animals, dreamt animals | With Benedetta Silj

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall – free entrance until full capacity

Five events to rethink the relationship between humans and animals

Who are animals? To what extent can they be perceived as individuals inside the cosmos? What psychological and political changes can we aspire to, in the third millennium, as to the dream of interacting with non-humans in peace and harmony? Several exponents of philosophy, spirituality, ethology and psychology have spoken their minds about such matters, all with the aim of carrying out original research based upon the integration of prospects and devoid of dogmatic and doctrinal restraints.

The final event will see analyst, trainer and writer Benedetta Silj establish a link between the sensory and the symbolic plane by speaking of several mythical, literary and everyday interactions between men and animals. Human and non-human animals live beneath the same sky, and that is a given. However, talking bipeds have a very difficult time caring for the vulnerability of such shared condition. Perceiving every single creature for what it really is might lead our abstract mind to take care of life. Such discreet, sensible, forgiving approach passes through history in all its complexity and tells a visionary story of gratitude and non-predatory coexistence which survives the ages.

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“Al cospetto degli animali” (In the presence of animals) is a project by Philo pratiche filosofiche in cooperation with the MAXXI Foundation, curated by Benedetta Silj