Tuesday 14 January 2025 6.00 PM

lectureMongolian Buddhist Art and Zanabazarby Geshe Lharampa Javzandorj Dulamragchaa

MAXXI auditorium
free admission subject to availability
event in Mongolian with English translation

A lecture by the Khamba Lama, the highest authority on Mongolian Buddhism, dedicated to the relationship between art and spirituality, starting with the historical figure of Zanabazar.

Undur Gegeen Zanabazar, the first spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and a descendant of Genghis Khan’s illustrious lineage, represents a fundamental figure in Mongolia’s religious and cultural evolution. A renowned philosopher, Zanabazar profoundly influenced his time’s spiritual and artistic practices.

His work includes sculptures such as Green Tara, White Tara, and the Five Dhyani Buddhas, as well as his self-portrait. Distinguished by their intricate detail, spiritual depth and aesthetic refinement, these works occupy a prominent place in the history of Mongolian sculpture.

Francesco Stocchi MAXXI Artistic Director

Geshe Lharampa Javzandorj Dulamragchaa 30th Khamba Nomun Khan, Abbot of Gandantegchenling Monastery, Head of the Centre of Mongolian Buddhists

In collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Ulaanbaatar.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event