Thursday 1 January 1970

Energetic. How does energy shape the landscape

Energetic. How does energy shape the landscape
Visit/exploration to the exhibition Energy. Oil and Post-oil Architecture and Grids

How does it work?
The visit/exploration of the exhibition replaces the traditional guided tour for schools. Through interactive educational itineraries and specific instruments, the children explore the sections of the exhibition – Stories, Frames and Visions – that through projects, photographs and installations lend form to the past, present and future of architecture and energy.
The children experience at first hand how to produce energy pedalling a bicycle, how to obtain hydrogen from algae and how a canopy in photovoltaic panels over a motorway allows 15% of the national energy requirements may be satisfied.
After having explored the installations and the projects on show, the children investigate the issues that emerge through drawing and the association of words and phrases.

Duration 1h and 30’
Tuesday to Sunday, from 11.00 through to 10 November

How does it work?
Upper and lower secondary schools (max 30 participants – 1 class group)
€ 100 per group class
please make you obligatory reservation and purchase tickets by calling 06 3201954