Wednesday 31 July 2019Saturday 10 August 2019

FAP - Future Architecture Platform.Copenhagen Architecture Festival

In 2019, the CAFx Summer School focuses on portraying the segregated infrastructures of a post-war new town structured around a branched hierarchy of infrastructures.

The CAFx Summer School 2019 takes place in Tingbjerg and aims to create short cinematic portraits of the stories, connected to the local infrastructures. We will unfold the narratives on the basis of analogue ethnographic fieldwork onsite. At the end of the summer school, we will display and screen the films and fieldwork at a public premiere.

During the summer school, we will examine various infrastructures to uncover and explore how Tingbjerg was originally designed, how it has evolved and how everyday life is lived between the houses today. Through ethnological fieldwork combined with analogue mapping methods, photography and gathering of stories, the participants will be able to understand the area’s culture and context from within and learn from the local places and the people.
