17 February 2021 > 29 August 2021

A Story for the FutureMAXXI's First Decade

galleria 4
curated by Hou Hanru with MAXXI curatorial and research team



opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

Saturday and Sunday last entry at 5:30 pm

more information

A passionate work of research, reflection and debate on the first decade of the 21st century, through the point of view of MAXXI.

City, square, worlds, reality, believe are the neon lights that stand out in the gallery, referring to the five major themes of the exhibition and creating an Atlas that recounts the Museum’s programming in relation to world events.

Visitors are invited to explore the colourful rooms, let themselves be carried away, lose themselves in a galaxy of images, sounds and projections and be an active part of this “collective brainstorming”.

What emerges is a profound link between artistic creation and contemporary reality, also underlined by the collaboration with the ANSA Agency, which has contributed to creating a powerful image-based account of the main events of the decade. The mission of organising this explosion of ideas and stimuli in space was entrusted to the renowned Dutch studio Inside Outside by Petra Blaisse.

header: photo © Agostino Odio