Still da video, Uma Pulga na Balança
Saturday 26 October 2019 5.00 PM - 7.00 PM

Festa del Cinema di Roma.Uma Pulga na Balança by Luciano Salce

MAXXI Auditorium – free admittance until full capacity

From 17 to 27 October the Festa del Cinema di Roma is back in town with a programme full of previews, homages, retrospectives, screenings and so much more! Once again this year the Festa’s ticket or accreditation allows you to enter the Musem at the reduced price of € 9.

Thirty years after his death, the Fest commemorates Lucizzano Salce with the screening of Uma Pulga na Balança, his debut as a director after he moved to Brazil in 1949.

Brazil, 1953, 90′
Director Luciano Salce
Cast W. Wey, G. Nery, L. Calderaro

>> find out the complete programme

other events of the Festa del Cinema di Roma 2019 cycle