Tuesday 16 July 2019Sunday 6 October 2019

FAP - Future Architecture Platform.TAW. Tirana Architectures Week

The Tirana Design Weeks (TDW) this year approaches Tirana’s 100th anniversary as the capital of Albania.

Comparing photos of a bucolic Tirana in 1920 with what one sees from POLIS University fourth floor today, inevitably raises doubts about the endurance of design and planning, while conspicuously evincing the fluctuating tendency of what constitutes a norm.

TDW this year also coincides with an important event for architecture and design: the founding of Bauhaus by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919. More than just calendric, perhaps such coincidence emerges as a looming yet menacingly real affinity between what followed the demise of Bauhaus and the threateningly uncertain horizons we see today. The objective of Tirana Design Week is to draw current research and design practices, as well as theoretical speculations on the topic of uncertainty and non-normativity in multiple scales and contexts, in and from the city of Tirana.
