Partita di calcio a Napoli, stadio San Paolo, Collezione privata
Friday 28 April 2023 ore 18:00 - 19:00

lecture + performancePPP a politically provocative perfectionist

galleria 3
free admittance subject to availability
lecture in Italian and German

 ‘Football is the spectacle that has replaced the theatre,’ said Pasolini, and Peter Wawerzinek stages it.

Writer and Rome Villa Massimo Prize 2019/2020 winner Peter Wawerzinek recites an unpublished Pasolini text with Roman actor Ivan Castiglione. The text serves as a game ball between the two. A live experience that has as its theme Pasolini’s passion for football and where, just like on a real football pitch, things can sometimes get very lively.

In collaboration with Accademia Tedesca Roma Villa Massimo.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event