Fotografia del plastico del progetto per il Modam Museo e Scuola della Moda, Milano. Progetto di Eisenman Architects, Degli Esposti Architetti, Roberta Albiero, courtesy degli autori
Tuesday 29 January 2019 6.30 PM - 8.00 PM

Books at MAXXI.Operazioni (in arte e in architettura) by Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – free entry until full capacity
The first 10 holders of the myMAXXI card to write to will have the possibility to reserve a seat

An acute interpretation of the contradiction between the autonomy of architecture and its site-specificity and dependance on the specific time in history.

Art in the Sixties and Seventies, ranging from Minimal to conceptual art, from Art-Language to Primary Structures, investigates the methods of appropriation, notation and processing so as to activate unknown interpretations and produce new formalizations of the object within the cultural climate of structuralism and contestation.
Artists such as Sol LeWitt, Walter De Maria, Donald Judd etc. share with contemporary researches by Peter Eisenman, Archizoom, and Franco Purini objectives and outcomes as far as the investigation of contradictions between the autonomy of the object and its connections with place and time is concerned.
The book Operazioni (in arte e in architettura) retraces said history from the viewpoint of a designer who is concerned about the reasons lying behind the choices one makes with regard to architectural and urban composition.

Introduced by
Irene De Vico Fallani MAXXI Ricerca

Lorenzo Degli Esposti author of the book
Antonino Saggio Sapienza Università di Roma
Luca Galofaro Università di Camerino
Pietro Zampetti Sinestetica
Alberto Iacovoni ma0