Wednesday 5 October 2016Sunday 9 October 2016

Codename: Caesar. Syrian prisoners victims of torture

Corner D – admittance free

An exhibition documenting the crimes against humanity committed in Syrian prisons

On 18 August, Amnesty International published a report in which it estimated that 17,723 people have died in prison in Syria since 2011, the beginning of the crisis: the report denounces the crimes committed by the governmental forces of Damascus and reconstructs the experience of thousands of prisoners through the cases of 65 who survived torture.

Caesar is the pseudonym given to a former officer in the Syrian Military Police who defected in the January of 2014, succeeding in taking abroad almost 55,000 photos painstakingly documenting the death and torture suffered by inmates in the prisons of Bachar al Asad between 2011 and 2013. Already staged at the United Nations in New York, at the Foreign Affairs Commission of the United States Congress, at the Holocaust Museum in Washington and in the principal European cities, will now be seen in Italy for the first time.

My task was to document death” Caesar

An initiative promoted by Amnesty International Italia, Articolo 21, FNSI – Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, FOCSIV – Federazione degli Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontariato, Un Ponte Per and l’Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo.