Wednesday 5 February 2025 6.00 PM

talkMemorabile. Ipermoda: vestire i manichini

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Behind the exhibition scenes, to discover how dressing a mannequin is an integral part of the whole narrative of a fashion idea.

The dress is designed to cover a body in motion, which is the biggest problem when setting up a fashion exhibition.

Emanuela Bruni Fondazione MAXXI Board Member Regent

Dylan Colussi associate curator of the exhibition
Maria Luisa Frisa exhibition curator
Simona Fulceri mannequinage and textile restorer for Opera Laboratori s.p.a.
Alessandra Varisco research co-ordinator, PhD student at Iuav University of Venice

In collaboration with Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana; main sponsor Fondazione Bvlgari; sponsor Tik Tok, Spotify.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event