Thursday 1 January 1970

MAXXI and Il Gioco del Lotto

December 2011
On the occasion of the exhibition Indian Highway the MAXXI Education Department and Il Gioco del Lotto are offering visitors four free initiatives:

PRENDI l’arte e mettila da parte/ Arte take away
Search the museum and find the 15 works with the take away captions: choose your favourites and put them in the bag.
This way you’ll create your own personalised catalogue of the Indian Highway exhibition.
PRENDI parte al gioco/ I play with art workshops
Be enchanted… India at MAXXI
Treasure hunts and explorations amidst the sounds, colours, scents and symbols of distant India.
For children of between 4 and 10 years A free guided tour of the exhibition for parents. Sunday 4 – 11 – 18 and Wednesday 28 December at 11.15. Reservations required:
comPRENDI l’arte/ art mediators
Meet the art mediators in the museum galleries, ask for information and exchange opinions about the works on show.
Every Saturday, 18.00 – 21.00; every Sunday, 11.00 – 14.00; Wednesday 28, 11.00 – 14.00. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve excluded.
PRENDI la via dell’arte/ the brand new MAXXI map!
MAXXI is like a great forest, criss-crossed by paths and tracks, explore them together with your family via this interactive map. How does it work? Observe, think, draw, invent and then attach the stickers and let yourself be carried away by MAXXI’s incredible architecture. Pick it up at the Infopoint!