Claudio Parmiggiani, Chi mangia questo pane vivrà in eterno (Giovanni 6,58), 2010, calchi di pane in ferro, Parma, Palazzo del Governatore. Foto R.C.R Parma.
Saturday 3 October 2020 ore 11:30 - 13:00

Lectio magistralis.Massimo Recalcati. Infinity in one hand. On the poetics of Claudio Parmiggiani


MAXXI auditorium – entry € 5
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to by the day before the event

«A work must be violent. It must feel like getting punched in the stomach. Silent but hard, hard but silent, like fire underneath the ashes, dark, growling» (C. Parmiggiani)

On this special event and building upon his latest book Nel tempo della povertà (Magonza 2019), Massimo Recalcati read and interpret the poetics of Claudio Parmiggiani, one of the leading exponents of art since the 1950s.

Following the fundamental guidelines of his work, the author will retrace the steps of the artist and his introverted and mysterious art, which, despite being all about hiding, concealment and secrecy, “does not concern metaphysical spiritualism contrary to matter, but thrives on this latter. It is all about the matter”.

other events of the senzamargine cycle