open call
Friday 10 July 2015Wednesday 30 September 2015

Call for Proposals#DITcall | Digital Think-in. The digital voice of museums

Participate in #DITcall, a call for proposals aimed at all Italian museums and cultural institutions with the objective of identifying and presenting – on the occasion of the conference DIGITAL THINK-IN. The digital voice of museums (4 November 2015) – the best digital projects of the year associated with cultural, educational, promotional and research activities.
DIGITAL THINK-IN is the first edition of an annual event exploring the theme of digital and technological innovation within the museum context, an opportunity for professionals and enthusiasts to examine and discuss these topics, to combine experiences and visions and to plan new opportunities for museums.


Each museum may participate with a maximum of two projects. The following form should be completed for each project by 30 September 2015.
The projects presented must have been created and produced between September 2014 and September 2015.


The projects will be selected by an external committee of experts. The representative of the institution presenting the project on the occasion of the conference will be invited to participate freely in the whole event. The stage will be at his or her disposition for seven minutes.


For further information