Sunday 6 November 2016 ore 12:00 - 13:30

Guided Tour.From the Permanent Collection to the Premio MAXXI 2016

Free guided tour courtesy of Groupama Assicurazioni
on purchase of a museum entrance ticket

A guided tour of the Permanent Collection and the Premio Maxxi 2016 exhibition Premio MAXXI 2016

Starting out from the new hang of the Permanent Collection of Art and Architecture focussing on the theme of Composizione, a new guided tour then takes in the exhibition of the Premio MAXXI 2016, an engrossing exploration of the site specific installations – a great gilded monolith, a televisual carousel, an overlaying of architectures and a cosmic landscape – proposed by the finalists of the latest edition of the prize that for the last 15 years has attempted to promote young Italian creativity.

To take advantage of the free guided tours please come to the Infopoint 30 minutes prior to the start with your museum entrance ticket. Reservations are recommended and may be made via mail, subject to the availability of, fino a esaurimento posti

other events of the Visite guidate Groupama cycle