Sunday 13 November 2016 12.00 PM - 1.30 PM

Guided Tour.From the Permanent Collection to the exhibition The Japanese House. Architecture and life from 1945 to the present.

Free guided tour courtesy of Groupama Assicurazioni
on purchase of a museum entrance ticket

A guided tour of the Permanent Collection and the exhibition The Japanese House. Architecture and life from 1945 to the present.

Starting out from the new hang of the Permanent Collection of Art and Architecture focussing on the theme of Composizione, the guided tour then explores the exhibition devoted to the Japanese home of the period following the Second World War. Plans, models, building materials, photographs and videos tell the story of countless projects based on tradition and innovation.

To take advantage of the free guided tours please come to the Infopoint 30 minutes prior to the start with your museum entrance ticket. Reservations are recommended and may be made via mail, subject to the availability of places.

other events of the Visite guidate Groupama cycle