Monday 10 September 2018Friday 14 September 2018

Summer Campus

For children of between 5 and 10 years of age
from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
from 11 June to 27 July and from 3 to 14 September

Summer’s here but MAXXI isn’t going on holiday!

For the fifth consecutive year MAXXI is organizing activities for children during the school holidays.

Exploratory visits, games, artist workshops, trips, video screenings and animated readings bring the children into contact with contemporary architecture in an interactive and fun way. MAXXI’s summer campus is also a way of meeting new friends and enjoying educational experiences while having fun.

There’s no time to get bored in the museum galleries and piazza

€ 22 daily
€ 110 weekly or 5 days a month
€ 100 for the children of myMAXXI cardholders and e ENEL employees
The cost includes lunch and a snack

Reservations are required and may be made together with ticket purchases by calling 338 6419518 (from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm) or by writing to
Children may be registered up to 1:00 pm on the previous day (by Friday for the following Monday), reporting any food allergies/intolerances