open call
Thursday 18 January 2018Tuesday 13 February 2018

Open CallArt Clicks. Intercultural planning and training workshop

The power to construct worlds is tapped when human beings work together, while it withers when they presume to act alone.
H. Maturana e F. Varela

MAXXI and ECCOM, partners in the “Art Clicks” project, with the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, are organizing a participatory design training workshop for professionals in the cultural sector (in particular museums, theatres and libraries) on the theme of intercultural dialogue.

The aim is that of constructs intercultural skills and practices in Italy, a country in which with growing intensity diverse ethnicities and cultures are meeting and clashing. In this way the project promotes and supports the cultural participation of migrants, attempting to improve the capacity of the local public institutions to interact with them.

The training/planning path will be held in Rome from 5 March 2018 and will finish by September 2018 (with the exception of the 10 hours provided for the conference).

The programme provides for direct experiences and experimentation with intercultural projects; workshops; conversations and meetings with experts, artists and educators; experimentation with inclusive pilot projects for resident citizens and migrants; collective and individual production of research projects, texts, creative and artistic products; role playing and other practices for the construction of critical thought; visits to and experiences in museums, theatres, libraries, schools with migrants, cultural centres and art places; preparation of an individual portfolio and documentation of the experiences.

The key issues tackled are cultural diversities and their expressions; intercultural skills in their various cognitive, aptitudinal, communicative and practical dimensions; intercultural mediation; reception, inclusion and cultural accessibility; artistic practices and their potential within intercultural dialogue in the valorization of diversities; narration as the “bridge between cultures”, an intercultural resource for the construction of identity; citizenship education, directives against discrimination, racism and marginalization etc.

A total of 200 hours have been provided for, subdivided as follows:
– face-to-face lessons – 50 hours
– field trips – 50 hours
– a residential experience – 36 hours
– individual and group planning – 54 hours
– active participation in the final project conference – 10 hours

Download the programme in italian

The programme will be free for 15 participants selected by a commission appointed by the project group.
The participation of a further 10 persons will be permitted on payment of €500.

If you would like to present your candidature please complete the following form by 12.00 AM on 13 February 2018.
The commission will prepare a list of successful candidates who will be contacted by 19 February 2018.

The selection of candidates will be conducted on the basis of the following criteria:
– Territorial role of the parent organization – up to 20 points
– Cultural sector of the parent organization (museums will be allocated 40% of places, libraries 20%, theatres 20%) – up to 20 points
– role within the organization – up to 20 points
– Curriculum: Experience of the parent organization – up to 20 points
– Experience and skills of the candidate – up to 10 points
– Possibility of networking with other organizations/cultural institutions in the area – up to 10 points