Wednesday 22 November 2017 ore 17:30 - 19:30

The economy of culture: the time is right.Art Bonus and other institutions for fiscal benefits

MAXXI Auditorium– admittance free subject to availability of places
Promoted in collaboration with Associazione per l’economia della cultura and Federculture

Last June the Fondazione MAXXI and CLES (Centre for Research and Study of Issues of Labour, Economic and Development), founded and long directed by Paolo Leon, organized the conference The economy of culture according to Paolo Leon, to commemorate the great economist who passed away a year earlier with a debate about one of the issues closest to his heart. The “economy of beauty” is now – in the opinion of all the leading analysts, as shown by an increasing consensus – one of the principal levers to which hopes of solid recovery for the Italian national system after years of crisis: now more than ever we have an opportunity and civic duty to transform into increasingly incisive concrete choices the key ideas anticipated many years ago by Paolo Leon and others.

Two seminars examining the analysis of and research into concrete issues and to construct an opportunity for debate with academics, experts and professionals from the sector

The Art Bonus permits tax offset of 65% of an amount donated to those who make donations supporting the Italian public cultural heritage. Given the difficulty of increasing public investment in the cultural sector, the system is aimed at private contributors, individuals and corporate entities, incentivising their generosity with robust fiscal benefits. Other instruments such as the Bonus Cultura for 18-year-olds instead attempt to support demand for culture. Still other paths exist: incentives for cultural and creative enterprises, VAT measures and opportunities for tax payers to offer works of art to the state in lieu of tax payments.
An initial opportunity for discussion has come out of these proposals.

Introduced by
Pietro Barrera, General Secretary, Fondazione MAXXI
Mario Civetta, President of the Rome Order of Chartered Accountants and Expert Bookkeepers

Alessandro Leon, President, CLES
Carolina Botti, Central Director, Ales S.p.A.
Laura Costanzo chartered accountant, Member of the Tertiary Sector and Non Profit ODCEC of Rome
Francesco Capogrossi Guarna chartered accountant, Tertiary Sector and Non Profit ODCEC of Rome

Gianfranco Ferroni, journalist, Italia Oggi
In collaboration with the Order of Chartered Accountants and Expert Bookkeepers of Rome