Thursday 1 January 1970

Se navigando…immagina

Do you find the contemporary art museum confusing?
Explore back stage

Who is it aimed at?
Adults with mental difficulties placed in resocialisation programmes

What does it involve?
An educational itinerary structured around formative encounters, hands-on activities and workshops with artists.

How does it work?
For 2011, the project features two groups of patients from the ASL Roma A and E Mental Health Departments who were involved in the MAXXI projects even before the museum was opened to the public. On the occasion of Se navigando… immagina the participants observe and document the phases in the life of the museum usually precluded from public participation such as the installation and taking down of an exhibition. This project makes them custodians of the museum’s most intimate memory. The documentation, realised through photographs, videos, drawings and notes is developed during a workshop with the artist Cesare Pietroiusti who has been responsible for the artistic side of the project since 2010.
Currently underway, the project as been realised by the MAXXI Department of Education in collaboration with Mental Health Departments A and E of the ASL Rome.
For further information: