Santiago Calatrava, Palladium Photodesign. ph. Alan Karchmer
Tuesday 9 October 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Lectures on BorrominiSantiago Calatrava. Politics and Theology in Architecture

MAXXI Auditorium – entrance € 5 – SOLD OUT
free for myMAXXI cardholders, with opportunity to book a seat for the first 10 people by writing to and for architects on the professional register*.
Live-streaming on JACK Contemporary Arts TV

A series of lectures to celebrate Francesco Borromini 350 years after his death.

Four events with some of the main figures in national and international contemporary architecture to investigate the modernity of Borromini’s thought and work, whose construction and stylistic features have influenced the development of European architecture to the present day.

Politics and theology in architecture
Natural elements, like light and water, have always been part of the most extraordinary
buildings conceived by men, just like geometry and the use of calligraphy have always been
decorative elements. In this second event, Santiago Calatravareflects on the most important aspects of architecture, presenting his personal interpretation of the use of these elements in his works.

Luca Ribichini Deputy Head of the Faculty of Architecure, La Sapienza University of Rome
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Introduced by
Paolo Portoghesi

Santiago Calatrava

We can hold a maximum of 100 free seats for architects registered on the ’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma’ (Professional Register of Architects in Rome), with whom MAXXI has activated a partnership. The registration and booking can only be done via the Register’s website under the section ‘Formazione’. For credited architects, there will be a dedicated desk for registration and picking up entry vouchers. Attendance to the conference will entitle architects to 2 professional credits.

**Arch. Arata Isozaki has unexpectedly been prevented from attending the second appointment on 28 September 2018 and it has had to be cancelled. For information regarding reimbursements please 06.3201954 or write to Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.