2022, Magic Carpets partita di calcio | ph Ivan Monilia
Friday 10 February 2023 ore 14:30 - 18:30

round table + film screeningRagazzi di vita / The Street KidsMagic Carpets a project beyond suburbia

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

An opportunity to reflect on the concept of the periphery beyond the sense of a geographical boundary. Because the centre-periphery binomial still represents a structure of consciousness.

The meeting starts from the European platform Magic Carpets. This awareness-raising project aims to cultivate a sense of belonging and to introduce to a broad and international audience young emerging talents who are called upon each year to confront different local identities through residency projects. Inspired by the reflections of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Magic Carpets project contributes to reformulating the notion of borders by initiating the development of widespread creativity.

On the occasion of the meeting, the docufilm Core made by Monkeys Video Lab and curated by Latitudo Art Projects and the volume Magic Carpets Landed published by Quodlibet realised in collaboration with the Kaunas Biennial will be presented.

Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Direttore MAXXI Arte

introduction and moderation
Benedetta Carpi De Resmini Magic Carpets creator and Latitudo Art Projects Director
Paola Farfaglio Young Curator for Magic Carpets Italy and Latitudo Art Projects Project Manager 

Sara Basta artist
Lewis Biggs Chairman of the Institute for Public Art
Lucia Bricco artist
John Cascone artist
Diane Dever artist and curator
Corviale City Workshop: Francesco Careri architect and professor, University Roma Tre with Sara Braschi architect Maria Rocco architect Sofia Sebastianelli architect
Luis Do Rosario photographer
Anica Huck artist
Neringa Kulik Kaunas Biennial Director
Elena Mazzi artist
Monkeys Video Lab: Simone Valente video maker Alessio Rucchetta video maker Valerio Sammartino video maker
Jacopo Natoli artist
Sunny Nwume artist
Filippo Riniolo artist
Guendalina Salini artist
URKA artist
María Ángeles Vila Tortosa artist
Virginija Vitkienė CEO Kaunas 2022
Virginia Zanetti artist

Magic Carpets platform is co-financed by the European Union.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event