Wednesday 7 December 2016 ore 10:30 - 16:30

European Voluntary Service.Party with SVE!

MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free subject to availability of places

MAXXI is hosting the conclusive event in the celebrations for the 2oth anniversary of European Voluntary Service.

20 years of experience discussed
What are you waiting for?

The organizations accredited with the Service will meeting and discussing what has been done during the course of 2016 in order to celebrate European Voluntary Service, accompanied by the most significant stories of the volunteers that provide fundamental stimuli encouraging the latest generations to see European Voluntary Service as a path for personal growth.
The event is also an opportunity to present the publication that the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani has been working on throughout the year, SVEliamo l’Europa, containing information and stories about the Service’s first 20 years.

For further information and the day’s programme: