Al MAXXI il cibo diventa lo strumento per parlare di arte e cultura
Thursday 9 July 2015 ore 18:00 - 19:00

MEATING ART. Stories of art and cooking with Soup OperaFood and Space

White Limousine – MAXXI Piazza – admittance free

Food as a device for talking about art and culture

Smell and taste are the protagonists in three encounters to be held in an unusual setting: the White Limousine, the mobile restaurant cum work of art created by the Japanese architects Atelier Bow-Wow and shown in the exhibition FOOD dal cucchiaio al mondo.

Led by Paola Buzzi, the creator of Soup Opera together with Paolo Marinucchi, the Knorr chef, the guests will tackle a recipe inspired by one of the themes of the exhibition in turn

The third encounter will instead deal with Food and Space, with Gnam Box, the food bloggers Riccardo Casiraghi and Stefano Paleari, and Matilde Cassani, architect and creator of the setting for the Tea Ceremony, on display in the exhibition.


Participate in the encounters through the social networks with #contestmeatingart.
From 10 June create, photograph and share your dish inspired by the exhibition theme proposed each week.
During each encounter, the guests and Paola Buzzini will elect that week’s winner. Prizes include MAXXI entrance tickets and exhibition catalogues.

In collaboration with the chef from the Knorr company, Main Sponsor of the exhibition FOOD dal cucchiaio al mondo