Tuesday 12 September 2017 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Book presentation.L’economia arancione by Gian Paolo Manzella

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – admittance free subject to availability of places

What are the policies and the dynamics that truly support creativity?

Creativity has in recent years become a word used widely in politics and economics. The great supranational organizations – from UNESCO to the OCSE and the European Union – consider the creative industries, those that “transform” culture into economic activities, to be one of the driving forces of growth. Throughout the world, countries, cities and regions are dedicating laws, reports and operational programmes to these themes. In describing them, certain observers talk about the Creative Economy, others about the Orange Economy. This is a development to which governments and think tanks, research centres and universities around the world have contributed.
In the book featured here, Gian Paolo Manzella traces the principal stages in this journey, analysing the policies and dynamics that have supported it.

Introduced by
Giovanna Melandri President, Fondazione MAXXI
Alessandro Leon Consiglio Direttivo AEC

Eleonora Andreatta Director, Rai Fiction
Edoardo Camurri television presenter and journalist
Sabino Cassese legal expert and academic
Greg French Australia’s Ambassador to Italy
Gian Paolo Manzella author of the book
Tomaso Radaelli President, MondoMostre Skira


In collaboration with AEC – Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura