Wednesday 18 December 2019 ore 18:30 - 20:00

Books at MAXXI.The morning after by Mario Calabresi

Carlo Scarpa hall –  free admission until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

A book that talks about the emptiness we all experience after great sorrow.

When you lose a parent, a partner, a child, a job, a crucial challenge, when you make a mistake, when you retire or move, there is always a morning after. A feeling of void, dizziness. It seizes us when we realise that something or someone we have had for years, and though we would have forever, is suddenly not there anymore. Because after a loss or change, there is always the moment when we understand that life goes on, but nothing will ever be the same and we are no longer who we were yesterday. An awakening that is inevitably a new beginning. A break from the past, a from now on.

Mario Calabresi dedicates his latest book to this delicate and crucial moment, starting from his experiences and then opening up to the experiences of others. The book tells of different perspectives and lives, which all have in common the struggle to start over, starting from the morning after.

Giovanna Melandri  Fondazione MAXXI President

Mario Calabresi  journalist and author
Chiara Gamberale writer

In collaboration with Mondadori