Claudio Parmiggiani, A lume spento, 1986. Calco in gesso, lampada a petrolio. Foto di Paolo Mussat Sartor
Saturday 25 March 2023 ore 18:00 - 19:00

lectureThe fire trauma. Life and death in the work of Claudio Parmiggianiby Massimo Recalcati

MAXXI auditorium
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

Where does a style come from if not from trauma?

For Massimo Recalcati, one of Italy’s best-known psychoanalysts, Parmiggiani’s poetics becomes an extraordinary lesson on the relationship between creation and repetition, life and death, an investigation into how to “make the invisible sensitive”, translating anguish into wonder. A celebration of the power of silence, an antidote to the clamour of contemporary languages.

Donatella Saroli MAXXI Curatorial Office

Massimo Recalcati psychoanalyst and essayist

In collaboration with Marsilio Arte.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event