17 May 2023 > 01 October 2023

Time regainedStories of Jewish architects

centro archivi MAXXI Architettura

Archive documents, drafts and testimonies restore personal and professional dignity to nine stories interrupted by racial laws.

On 14 July 1938, the Race Manifesto was published in Il Giornale d’Italia, signed by ten scientists and professors, which was to become the ideological basis of the regime’s racist policy. This document was followed by the Racial Laws, aimed at increasingly stripping non-members of the ‘Italian race’ of their rights. In this escalation of the curtailment of freedoms and subtraction of civil rights, other laws were promulgated on 29 June 1939 regulating ‘the exercise of professions by citizens of the Jewish race’.

Daniele Calabi, Angelo Di Castro, Romeo Di Castro, Enrico De Angeli, Vito Latis, Gino Levi Montalcini, Alessandro Rimini, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Nina Livia Viterbo

Engineers and architects do not escape this bureaucratic machine, ousted from competitions or assignments that have already begun, crushed at the beginning of their careers or erased from their professional lives despite decades of activity.

The exhibition is conceived as part of the project ‘Architecture and Remembrance. The discrimination of architects in nazi-fascist regimes”.

header: Enrico De Angeli, Villa Gotti, Bologna 1933-36. Courtesy Historical Archive of the Order of Architects of Bologna
