Vedute del set al Vittoriano di Il ventre dell'architetto di Peter Greenaway, con le scenografie di Costantino Dardi, 1987. Courtesy Università Iuav di Venezia, Archivio Progetti, fondo Fondazione Masieri
Wednesday 10 May 2023 6.00 PM - 7.00 PM

the stories of architectureThe great masters of 20th-century ItalyThe rules of art in the architecture of Costantino Dardi

Carlo Scarpa hall
admission € 5
lecture in Italian

The lecture starts with museum projects and installations where Dardi combines minimalism, land art and arte povera with the geographical observation of territory and context.

The architectural object enters into a poetic reaction with the place, interprets its structure and appropriates it as a mirror of itself. Rather than attending to a language predefined by rules within the discipline, art is the matrix on which Costantino Dardi builds some of his most important projects.

Elena Tinacci MAXXI Architettura Department Coordinator 

Luca Galofaro architect and lecturer in Design, University of Camerino

individual seats reserved and free of charge for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event