Tuesday 28 March 2017 6.00 PM - 7.30 PM

Book presentation.Guida all’architettura nelle Marche 1900-2015

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall – free entrance

An itinerary which touches on the most important buildings constructed in the Marche region from the early 1900s to 2015

Art Nouveau villas, Case del Fascio, post-war public structures and industrial ones, and even the recent historicist or vernacular rediscoveries: Guida all’architettura nelle Marche (Quodlibet, 2016) has it all. Such guide traces a path in a frontier land which has always undergone transformations, and is therefore representative of national tendencies. There, architectural styles typical of different historical phases have always coexisted.
Moreover, the book contains a historical essay where author Lorenzo Ciccarelli compares the events characterising 20th century architecture in Le Marche with the Italian cultural and artistic landscape.

Introduced by
Margherita Guccione Director MAXXI Architettura

Federico Bellini Camerino University
Paolo Desideri Roma Tre University
Lorenzo Ciccarelli author of the book