Agnieszka Polska, What the Sun Has Seen, 2017, in Low Form. Immaginari e visioni nell'era dell'intelligenza artificiale (2018).
Wednesday 8 March 2023 -

International Women’s Day

Celebrate the 8 March at MAXXI with a special ticket dedicated to all our female visitors.

And the same ticket is worth double! So bring whoever you wish to MAXXI with you and, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, they will also be able to visit the current exhibitions with the same reduction.

  • € 5 | MAXXI ticket
  • € 11 | Bob Dylan exhibit ticket

And the celebration continues all year round…

On the 8th of March, why not give a myMAXXI card as a gift to your favourite lady?! On International Women’s Day, purchase Young, Individual and Senior cards with a 20% discount.
Cards may be purchased at the Museum ticket office or online.

find out all the exhibitions