22 March 2013 > 10 November 2013

ENERGY. Oil and Post-oil Architecture and Grids

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22 March – 29 September 2013 exhtended until 10 November
Gallery 1 and Architecture Archive Centre
curated by Pippo Ciorra

Three exhibitions in one to recount sixty years in the history of Italy, and elsewhere, with a “visionary” view of the future, through the current burning issue: the impact of energy on architecture and the landscape, from the oil boom to renewables.

Over 80 historic drawings and projects, three master photographers and seven architectural firms of international repute for an itinerary in three steps – Past, Present and Future – that sets out with a description of post-war Italy and the economic boom – with the “eruption” of cars and speed, the first filling and service stations, motels and motorways burst upon the scene – and proceeds to traverse the present through the attentive and sensitive gaze of three photographers and explore the future by way of visionary projects seeking a zero impact supply of energy, like the filling station inspired by a forest or the motorway that itself supplies energy throughout its length.

ENERGY is divided into three sections: Storie/Stories (recounting the past), Fotogrammi/Frames (investigating the present) and Visioni/Visions (exploring diverse hypotheses for the future).

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ENERGY. Oil and post-oil architecture and grids
edited by Pippo Ciorra
Electa, 2013 – 184 pages


Giovanna Melandri, Presidente Fondazione MAXXI
Margherita Guccione, Direttore MAXXI Architettura
Pippo Ciorra, Senior Curator MAXXI Architettura



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“F” model city gas station from the 1950s. Loaner Walter Berselli

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