Wednesday 16 September 2015

Ask a Curator Day 2015

on Twitter

MAXXI will be taking part in Ask a Curator Day: the museum curators will be on Twitter for the entire day, ready to answer your questions!

Joining in is easy. You’ll need:
1. To have a Twitter account
2. To send your question to the museum using the @Museo_MAXXI formula
3. To use the #askacurator hastag

Would you like to send your question to a specific curator?
Add a second hashtag with their initials. You’ll find a list below.

#PC Pippo Ciorra, Senior Curator MAXXI Architettura
#GF Giulia Ferracci, Curator MAXXI Arte
#LL Luigia Lonardelli
, Curator MAXXI Arte
#AP Anne Palopoli, Curator MAXXI Arte
#MT Monia Trombetta, Exhibition Manager
#AMu Antonella Muzi, MAXXI Educazione

With The Special Participation of
#HH Hou Hanru, Artistic Director
#MG Margherita Guccione, Director MAXXI Architettura
#AM Anna Mattirolo, Director MAXXI Arte