Architetture a regola d’arte. Dagli archivi BBPR, Dardi, Monaco Luccichenti, Moretti, foto © Giorgio Benni
Thursday 16 May 2024 6.00 PM

talkArte e architettura in dialogoUn racconto dagli archivi

sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

A chance to reflect on the relationship between the two disciplines in the work of some of the most influential architects of the 20th century on the occasion of the 14th National Architecture Archives Day.

The book Architettura e arte negli archivi BBPR, Dardi, Monaco e Luccichenti, Moretti, edited by Luca Galofaro, highlights the interdisciplinary approach to architectural design and the role of art in the personal and professional dimension of architects.

The day is also an opportunity to present Aldo Rossi Digitale, which was conceived and realised to unite in a virtual environment the scientific documents of the architect’s archive with the materials of the exhibition Aldo Rossi. The architect and the city, at MAXXI in 2021.

introduction and moderation
Elena Tinacci MAXXI Architecture and Contemporary Design Coordinator

Luca Galofaro University of Camerino
Maria Vittoria Capitanucci Politecnico di Milano
Cristiana Perrella curator and art critic

speakers for the Aldo Rossi Digitale project
Margherita Guccione Grande MAXXI Scientific Director
Laura Felci Head of MAXXI Architecture and Contemporary Design Collections Office
Angela Parente MAXXI Architecture and Contemporary Design Archives Centre

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event