Thursday 1 January 1970

Architects’ Book

Architects Book

Wednesday 14 September, 20.30
YAP Space – free admittance

curated by Giorgio Scianca

A database containing photos, posters, trailers and significant sequences from around 900 films produced throughout the world that feature an architect as the star or co-star: Architects’ Book is a project curated by Giorgio Scianca providing “a trip through the time and space of a profession recounted with great generosity by the film industry.” From John Wayne to Henry Fonda; from Gary Cooper to Kirk Douglas; from John Cassavetes and Charles Bronson to Robert De Niro and Warren Beatty; from Paul Newman and Richard Gere to Donald Sutherland and Michel Pfeiffer.

There will follow a projection of Architects’ BOOM – 2010: l’architetto ha fatto BOOM, 45 clips from trailers and teasers re-edited on the basis of the age of the actor. From the late-career architect to the architectural student.