Friday 29 September 2023 ore 18:00 - 19:00

books at MAXXISotto il Vulcano. Gli inizicurated by Valeria Parrella

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

What does it mean to start, or begin again, in today’s world? Where are our origins? Where do our ideas and inventions come from?

Sotto il Vulcano is a magazine that aims to understand and narrate the transformations we are experiencing. Each issue, in addition to hosting recurring signatures and columns, reserves the central part to a specific theme, chosen together by Director Marino Sinibaldi and a guest editor, who this time is Valeria Parrella.

Valeria Parrella writer, curator Sotto il Vulcano
Maurizio Rosenzweig cartoonist
Marino Sinibaldi President Centro per il Libro e la Lettura, Director Sotto il Vulcano

In collaboration with Feltrinelli Editore.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event