open call
Tuesday 7 February 2017 12.00 AMMonday 31 July 2017


AAA/Italia Associazione Nazionale Archivi di Architettura Contemporanea, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca and Fondazione MAXXI are promoting call for paper aimed at graduates in architecture, engineering, art history and cultural heritage conservation, with the aim of encouraging study of the life and work of the Rome architect Maurizio Sacripanti (1916-1996).

The objective is that of finally raising awareness and initiating the study of Sacripanti’s remarkable career. The architect traversed his era, sharing and participating in some of the most significant episodes in the history of Italian architecture of the second half of the 20th century. Each competition, each design opportunity was for Sacripanti a source and stimulus for the creation of ever new architectural visions all too frequently destined to remain on the drawing board.


The papers presented should therefore investigate and present new and original thinking on the life and work of Sacripanti, with the research developed through the consultation of archive materials. Issues of a transverse nature may be tackled (for example, in relation to the scene on which Sacripanti and the protagonists of the architectural and artistic cultures contemporary with him worked) or individual projects or themes expressly associated with his work may be investigated.
The selected studies will be presented on the occasion of a dedicated event and will be published by the Fondazione MAXXI, the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca and by AAA/Italia within the ambit of recognised academic publications.


Participants should complete the following online form no later than 31 July 2017. The results of the selection will be communicated no later than 31 September 2017.



The selection of the participants will be conducted on the basis of the evaluation of the CVs and the papers presented. The commission will be composed of:
Maristella Casciato, Architectural Historian, Senior Curator , Architectural Collections, Getty Research Institute
Margherita Guccione, Director MAXXI Architettura
Francesco Moschini, General Secretary, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
Elisabetta Reale, Archival Superintendency for Lazio/CTSO AAA-Italia
Carlo Serafini, Architect



The professional archive of Maurizio Sacripanti is divided into two fonds. A first documentary corpus was donated by the architect himself to the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca in 1995 and declared that same year to be of notable interest by the Archival Superintendency for the Lazio region. This collection is now fully organized and catalogued and may be consulted online at
In 2011 the remaining nucleus of drawings, photographs, models, documents and printed materials relating to the architect’s work was loaned by the Sacripanti heirs to MAXXI for the museum’s architecture collections. The collection is currently ordered and catalogued through to the archival records.