Friday 21 September 2018 8.00 PM - 11.00 PM

Magnifiche Sorti by Nicolò Bassetti

MAXXI Auditorium – entrance € 5
Free for myMAXXI cardholders, with the possibility to book by writing to myMAXXI@fondazionemaxxi.it up until the day before the event (10 places available)

From the creator of Sacro GRA, a journey between reality and representation at Expo 2015

An enormous spaceship lands in the suburbs of a metropolis. For six months, it lights up and attracts millions of people: it is the most recent Universal Exposition in Milan. Other people live around it, overlooking a mysterious place, a place they don’t know, without a past and, moreover, without a future.

The film, Nicolò Bassetti’s directorial debut, tells the story of women and men that were there before, that are there during and that will be there after the frenzy of the event. People who witness a whirlwind, a sudden change, whose lives are pulled ever deeper into the undertow.

introduced by
Nicolò Bassetti director